Advanced Filters
Used 2022 LUMENIS Stellar M22 IPL (IPL, ResurFX, and Q-Switched Nd:YAG)
2022 Lumenis Stellar M22 (IPL, ResurFX, Q-Switched Nd:YAG) A Multi-Application platform that tre...
  • Year: 2022
  • * Serial Number: SN001411
  • * Date of Manufacture: 2022-06-23
Used 2014 CUTERA Excel V
2014 Cutera Excel V A Dual Wavelength laser system that can be used for hair removal, skin revit...
  • Year: 2014
Used 2016 Cutera XEO with Nd:YAG, ProWave, LimeLight, and Titan
2016 Cutera XEO with Nd:YAG, ProWave, LimeLight and Titan A Multi-Application laser and light-ba...
  • Year: 2016